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The new financial year is just around the corner

With the end of the financial year approaching, we have provided a reminder of the importance of making the most of the current voluntary superannuation contributions limits. You can also download a state-of-the-nation report on the on women and investing.

We have included the warning signs on how to pick a Ponzi scheme from a real investment. For small business owners, we delve into 9 ways to use social media to drive your brand and increase sales.

There is the usual update from the Australian Tax Office and we finish with an article that includes practical tips to help you focus on short-term goals.

If you would like more information on any of the articles below, please contact this office on 02 9318 6400 or

Fred Tortora

Wanted: More voluntary super contributions

Are you contributing enough to super? Recent research highlights the reality that most members of large super funds do not make voluntary contributions.

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The financial power of women

A state-of-the-nation report on the barriers to women investing.

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Ponzi schemes

One of the simplest yet most effective investment scams is the ponzi scheme. The promoter promises investors a return on investment and says it is secure, but there is no real 'investment'.

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9 strategic ways to use social media to drive sales

A recent report by Statista predicts there’ll be 3.02 billion social media users worldwide by 2021. How will your brand stand out?

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From the ATO

Please click on the link below to keep up to date with the latest information from The Australian Tax Office. Including some FBT reminders.

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How to set short term goals

Short term goals are one of the most powerful, yet under-rated tools for achieving amazing things .

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